Solar Energy Services - FAQ's
PV technology produces electricity directly from electrons freed by the interaction of sunlight with a solar panel made of semiconductor material. The power provided is direct current (DC) electricity. The basic building block is known as a cell. Many cells put together are known as a module, and many modules assembled together form an array. A PV system will consist of an array of modules generating DC electricity, an inverter and sometimes battery storage back up with charge controller.
Monocrystalline solar electricity panels tend to be slightly more expensive than polycrystalline panels, however monocrystalline panels are regarded as having a higher output per kW peak power installed. Polycrystalline wafer has a dark blue color, monocrystalline wafer is black.
There are two kinds of electricity, DC and AC. Homes that are connected to utility power use AC electricity. Flashlights, small radios and automobiles use DC electricity. In to use solar power to operate the appliances in your home, an inverter will convert PV power from DC to AC.
Inverters can be further classified as units that use batteries (UPS) and those that use the utility grid as power storage (Grid tied). Inverters are now required to possess meters that will indicate their performance and some manufacturer’s supply remote display units that can be mounted inside the home. It is important to check on your inverter regularly to become acquainted with its operation and performance.
You may connect your solar system directly into the wires of your utility. Since the “Net Metering” allows you to do this you will actually be spinning your meter backwards when your system is generating more power than you are consuming. When you generate excess electricity (more power than you are using) it will enter the grid. Your meter will tally the excess and credit to your account.
Solar PV panels are very robust and can withstand the normal stresses subjected by nature.
The grid connected system of 1KW peak power capacity occupies about 10 square meters (around 100 Sq Ft) on the rooftop .
Most roofs are strong enough to take a solar installation without any reinforcement. However, in case of larger systems, it is suggested to obtain the opinion of a qualified Structural Engineer.
The roof mounted systems do not need any permission.
As per the MNRE guidelines, the SPV system shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years and Solar Panel life for a period of 25 Years.